Tankless water heater on wall

Water Heater Replacement

Jackson's Trusted Plumbing Experts Since 1981

Water Heater Replacement Services

Are you finding yourself frequently running out of hot water? Are rust spots appearing on your water tank? If so, it may be time to consider replacing it. Like all plumbing fixtures, water heaters have a limited lifespan and eventually wear out. When faced with this situation, you have two options. You can attempt to cope without one, enduring cold showers and chilly hands. Alternatively, if you reside in the Jackson area, you can reach out to the plumbing professionals at Aspen Plumbing Services.

To determine if a new water heater replacement is necessary and discover steps to prolong the lifespan of your investment, continue reading.

A commercial van with "Aspen Plumbing Services" branding, indicating it serves Jackson, MI, and surrounding areas for water services.
Professional Water Heater Replacement

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Professional Water Heater Replacement

Signs That Indicate Water Heater Replacement

At Aspen Plumbing Services, we recognize the challenge of deciding between repair and replacement for your water heater. Often, you might not even be aware that there’s an issue with your water heater. To simplify the process of determining if a new water heater is necessary, we’ve compiled a list to assist you in evaluating your needs:

If your water heater is over a decade old, replacing it may be more cost-effective than repairing it, considering its diminished efficiency and potential for frequent breakdowns.

Rusty, discolored water when you turn on the tap can indicate sediment buildup, tank degradation, and bacteria growth, signaling the need for replacement.

Consistently receiving cold water instead of hot water from your taps suggests a malfunctioning water heater. Check the circuit breaker and pilot light, and if issues persist, consider replacement.

Metallic or foul odors in your tap water can indicate tank deterioration, affecting water quality and necessitating replacement.

If your water heater fails to reach the desired temperature despite proper settings, it could indicate a failing heating element, warranting replacement.

Loud cracks and pops from your water heater suggest sediment buildup, potentially compromising its efficiency. While cleaning may help, replacement might be necessary.

If you’re frequently calling plumbers for repairs, it’s a sign that your water heater’s major components are failing. In such cases, replacing the unit is often more economical in the long run.

Water puddling around the unit indicates seal failure, necessitating replacement, possibly with a tankless model for improved efficiency and reliability.

A man with crossed arms wearing a white shirt with a name tag and an American flag patch, representing Jackson Plumbing services.

Why a Professional Water Heater Installation is Important

If you’re contemplating installing a new water heater by yourself, it’s advisable to reconsider. It’s not a straightforward project, and the repercussions of errors can be severe, even life-threatening. Just as you wouldn’t represent yourself in court or attempt your own brain surgery, you shouldn’t undertake the installation of your water heater either. Here are a few risks associated with opting for a DIY approach to water heater replacement:

Improper installation of natural gas water heaters can lead to explosions, posing serious risks to yourself and your property. Is saving a few hundred dollars worth the potential danger?

Incorrectly vented water heaters can release dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, a silent killer. Professional plumbers understand proper ventilation techniques to safeguard you and your family from this deadly gas.

Hardware store staff may lack expertise in recommending appropriately sized water heaters. Only plumbing professionals can ensure you get a unit that meets your family’s needs without unnecessary wastage or shortages.

DIY water heater installations may pose issues during home resale. You might incur additional costs for permits and inspections, and if the installation fails inspection, you’ll have to pay for corrections, adding stress during the selling process.

DIY installations offer no warranty or guarantee. In contrast, professional plumbers like those at Aspen Plumbing Services provide peace of mind with their work backed by warranties and guarantees, ensuring any issues are promptly addressed without extra cost to you.

Jackson's Trusted Experts Since 1981

Ensuring the Longevity of Your Water Heater Investment

At Aspen Plumbing Services, we prioritize customer satisfaction in all our plumbing endeavors. Ensuring the safe operation of your water heater is paramount. These units are equipped with multiple safety mechanisms that require regular testing. The most effective way to verify their proper function is by scheduling routine water heater inspections. These maintenance checks are essential to ensuring the safety of your water heater.

Moreover, water heater maintenance contributes to the efficient performance of your unit. During normal usage, minerals like calcium accumulate in the system, settling at the bottom of the tank and forming a barrier between the heating element and the tank. This buildup makes it more challenging to produce hot water and can weaken the tank’s structure. Our plumbers will address this issue during maintenance visits by flushing your water heater, eliminating any sediment buildup that could cause clogs.

Neglecting recommended maintenance appointments can significantly reduce the lifespan of your system. During their visit, our plumbers can identify minor issues before they escalate into major problems requiring complete system replacement. They will meticulously inspect all components for signs of weakness or malfunction and provide you with a detailed report of their findings.

Investing in regular tune-ups for your water heater is essential to safeguarding the investment you’ve made in it. To learn more about our water heater maintenance services, founded in 1981, give us a call at (517) 750-9913. Located in Jackson, MI, our highly trained technicians are dedicated to delivering the best service and guarantees in the industry. We strive to exceed expectations and ensure that every customer has an exceptional experience working with us.

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Why Choose Us?

We have been dedicated to providing the absolute best home services to the Jackson County area since we opened our doors back in 1981. From the professionalism of our salespeople, to the dedication of our plumbers, we are committed to delivering you the absolute best plumbing services. We take our responsibility very seriously when you place your trust in us and provide both performance and satisfaction guarantees on all of the work that we complete. Call us today or schedule your service to find out for yourself why we have earned a reputation of integrity and quality work since we opened our doors in 1981.

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